Control your sodium intake for overall health, yet most Americans do not know how much salt they eat every day. Your gut reaction may also be to head towards that bag of chips or some fast food, but there are numerous common foods that pack in a lot of sodium.
Knowing where the sodium is hidden can arm you with useful tips to promote healthier nutrition, decrease your risk of developing hypertension, and heart disease. Keep reading to see the 5 foods you are likely currently consuming without even realizing that they made it on this list rammed with sodium.
Importance of Managing Sodium Intake
High sodium intake is associated with a range of health problems, from high blood pressure and kidney disease to heart disease and stroke.
The American Heart Association suggests the majority of adults aim for a guideline limit up to 1,500 milligrams per day, but if your doctor allows it go as high as no more than 2,300 milligrams.
Cutting down on sodium is critical to cardiovascular health and good general health.
Risks of Excessive Sodium Intake
1.High Blood Pressure

High amounts of sodium can cause the body to hold on to water, leading to excess blood volume and higher blood pressure. Chronic hypertension remains a leading cause of heart disease and stroke.
2.Heart Disease

So Much Heart Disease High sodium intake associates with more risk for heart disease. Elevated blood pressure can eventually cause heart attacks, heart failure, and other cardiovascular conditions by straining the heart.

The high blood pressure that additional sodium brings also helps put you at risk for a stroke. The blood vessel in the brain could rupture, or it could clot and block the flow entirely.
4.Kidney Damage

Makes the blood pressure high by retaining sodium in the body wastage and the kidneys work harder. Eating too much can be more challenging for the kidneys, which may have a higher likelihood of developing with chronic kidney disease or worsening an existing disease.
5. Excessive sodium intake

Causes to lose calcium from the body resulting in weakened bones over time and increasing the risk of fractures and osteoporosis.
6. Stomach Cancer

While animal and human studies have associated high salt intake with an increased risk of stomach cancer, the reasons are not entirely clear but may involve damage to the lining of the stomach and promotion of unhealthy bacterial growth in it.
The Five High-Sodium Foods
Shocking though it may seem, many common foods can contribute a big part of your sodium intake without you knowing it.
Bread and rolls, an everyday food in many diets, are the No. 1 source of salt intake(Because each slice may contain up to 400 or more milligrams of sodium), which can stack up as a sandwich bun).
Sodium content is also high in breakfast items and processed foods, such as cereals, biscuits or hash browns. (One cup of corn flakes 300 mg sodium)
While this might still sound decently healthy, a single serving of vegetable juices can come with as much as 479 milligrams of sodium. Shrimp, a favorite seafood pick, is a good source of protein with about 805 milligrams of sodium in a 3-ounce serving.
Finally, a variety of canned soups—think chicken noodle soup—clock in at around 744 milligrams of sodium per serving. Knowing about these unsuspected sodium sources can allow you to make better eating decisions.
Bread and Rolls

Bread is a staple in the diets of many and also possibly a big giver to hidden sodium sources as well.
A regular slice of bread provides around 150 milligrams of sodium.
Whole wheat breads, a healthier choice for some, can soar even higher at 240 to 400 milligrams of sodium per slice.
Add any fillings, like burgers, cheese and whatever else you want in a sandwich on top of that and the sodium climbs to levels so easy to exceed the recommended daily intake it’s not funny.
Breakfast and Processed Foods

Lots of common breakfast choices are high in sodium, as are many processed food items.
For example, one cup of cornflakes contains 300 milligrams of sodium.
Other breakfast regulars are not any better: biscuits, pancakes and hash browns contain 200 to 1,000 mg of sodium per serving.
Many of these sneakier sources can be responsible for up to 3/4 of the recommended daily sodium intake, underscoring just how vital element it is in terms…
Vegetable Juices

It is an easy way to get your servings of vegetables, but vegetable juices are often high in sodium.
For example, a 429-gram serving of vegetable juice provides about 479 milligrams of sodium.
If opting for those, choose low-sodium options or make some at home yourself where you can control the sodium.

With shrimp, watch out for the sodium and not be a seafood lover.
Such as the 805 milligrams of sodium in a 3-ounce serving of shrimp.
This high level is, of course, often attributed to the sodium introduced during processing. Selecting fresh, unprocessed shrimp or cooking the previously frozen shrimp yourself can help to reduce sodium.
Canned Soup

Canned soups, like chicken noodle soup, can be a big landmine when it comes to sodium.
It contains about 744 milligrams of sodium per serving.
Those soups can be easy, but they can really bump your sodium intake up for the day too.
Opting for low-sodium options or preparing homemade soups with whole ingredients can also help to control salt intake.
Tips for Reducing Sodium Intake
Check Nutrition Labels:
Be sure to read labels for sodium content. Try for reduced-sodium foods, especially in processed and packaged products.
More at Home:
If you cook your own meals these days, you could control how much salt is added and keep it within healthy guidelines.
Opt for Fresh Foods:
Unprocessed fruits, vegetables, lean proteins and grains will have less sodium than junk foods.
Opt for Flavor Enhancers:
Instead of salt, give your dishes taste with herbs, spices, lemon juice and other non-salt seasonings.
Watch Condiments:
Items like soy sauce, ketchup and salad dressings are often sodium-rich. Choose low-sodium or use them sparingly.
So to recap, you may be eating more sodium than you think. Motivation to Eat Right for Better Health Controlling sodium consumption is crucial to ensuring a healthy lifestyle and protecting against chronic disease.
Knowing which foods hide high amounts of sodium, such as breads, breakfast items and vegetable juices in the morning or shrimp salad with canned soup at every meal can help further guide you toward managing your sodium intake.
By choosing lower-sodium and cooked meals at home with fresh ingredients, you can greatly limit your sodium intake which will be beneficial to your overall health. Stay healthy, watch your sodium and make good food decisions.